Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sneaky Reece

Reece is selling toys to the neighbor boy..... without telling anyone.
Funny story. We were about to walk up to the school, tonight, to attend the open house.... Our neighbor, Jace, was hanging out on the porch, with his mom parked in front of the house. Confusing, but oh well. Then Reece comes in with a dollar and some change.... I had asked where he got this and he said Jace had given it to him. (Reece is used to getting things given to him..... his cousin Aidan usually donates something new, coins included, every time we see him, and then there is our neighbor Casey, who sometimes lets Reece take little inexpensive items from her store Sassy Bags, in which he sings a song, "I didn't have to pay!") I immediately was worried that Jace was just "giving" this money to Reece.... as he often wants Reece to have his things, anyways. I tell Reece to hurry and give the money back, before they drive off. Jace and Reece exchanged the money and a couple of toys that looked familiar. Turns out, Reece was selling a couple toys to Jace. Jace had earned some allowance, and wanted to buy these. I double checked with his mom, and her answer was that he got to choose what he wanted to do with his money, so this was just fine. The toys were old, and I never see the boys play with them, so I was all for getting rid of a couple items I would usually trip over, if anything. So for the 3rd time, the boys exchanged the toys and money. Good times.
So what does Reece plan to do with his income? Buy gum of course...

1 comment:

Leesa said...

Looks like you have a young entreprenuer on your hands!! That is awesome!