On Christmas Eve we got to go look at lights, then it was bed time when we got home. We left Santa a plate of cookies, chocolate covered pretzel and some Egg Nog by the front door..... and one big carrot for the reindeer!

The boys had specific directions not to wake Mom and Dad up after they snuck down to their stockings..... that didn't work. We were woken up with excitement by 6:15. Santa brought the boys an Ipod Touch to "share.'
Santa has also learned a valuable lesson.... he put the Ipod in Reece's stocking, and all the accessories and Itunes cards in Riley's stocking, well it took Reece some time to get it through his thick head that it was to share. Better luck next time, Santa.
Reece was excited enough (remember he asked for an IPad) about it.... he said, "I asked for an IPad, but an IPod is just like an IPad, only smaller!"
Good Job, Santa!! Happy boys this year!
Once we all migrated downstairs, we opened presents. They both got new pajamas and a new Star Wars Lego set. Riley got the newest "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" book and a Donkey Kong Wii game. Reece got the movie "Megamind" and the 3D version of "Mario Kart" for his new 3DS.
Then we were off to Wichita for round 2!
I have to point out that we have a new stocking this year. My brother, Shawn, is getting married in less than a month! I warned my future sister in law, that she was "stocking" official! No backing out now!!!! Haha!

Reece got some Mario Kart Legos.... pretty cool!
More Star Wars Legos!
Excited kiddos!
It's "Wipeout 2" for the Wii!

And, as a joke (or not) for my aging Dad.... a KING size remote! That really works!!!

As far as my Christmas, Jake surprised me with a Kindle Fire! Awesome!!!!
So far I have been on Facebook, and I've been playing Angry Birds.... I have downloaded "The Hunger Games" Trilogy..... I have promised my sister to have the first one read by March, when the movie comes out. I have read 1 chapter.... so I'm on a great start!
Reece and Riley realized that the Mario Legos that they got weren't a full track, so Reece had some gift cards from his birthday, and with a little extra cash from the boy's spending money, we got the entire track! It is so cute!!! They think it's VERY cool!
Almost forgot, that Jake couldn't resist getting the boys a disco ball from Lowe's. They found it humorous!
Reece on the Ipod Touch..... they can now text Jake and I! Fun!
Legos, Legos, and more Legos!
Lastly, I also got a gift card from Jake to Sassy Bags.... AND I got a Christmas bonus from the school. Chamber checks!! Which happen to be able to be redeemed at Sassy Bags! I bought several shirts and this fun luggage! I've had my eyes on it for a while.... and NOW it's MINE!
Jake's big gift was the new BluRay complete set of Star Wars.... It's not as exciting as my Kindle, but I think he's pretty happy! Other than that he got clothes that were needed....