Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy Birthday, Reece!!

My sweet "baby" is officially 7 today!
I still have the feeling, that I survived 7 years of Reece..... haha! But I just couldn't imagine life without this kiddo. I love his spunk and his desire to do it all and have it all. I hope that fire never leaves him!!

Reece's 1st cake!
Mr. Blue Eyes
Reece is pretty excited for a couple reasons.... A. It is his birthday. And B. Grandpa McMillan and Gramma Sally are arriving today from Arizona to spend a few days with the family! I hope they survive Kansas in the winter time.... I think it's been a while since they've been around cold!
Happy Birthday, Reece!!
We love you!!


Leesa said...

Look at that happy face with his first cake! Soooo cute!! Happy Birthday, Reece!!

Shenna said...

Happy happy birthday! It's crazy that he's already 7!