Saturday, December 24, 2011


I have a good friend, Cindy, that I work with. She has really pushed me to give a little this Christmas season, even though I rarely feel I have much to give! She has spent all month doing Random Acts Of Kindness (R.A.O.K.).

I have been in Wichita with the boys the last 3 days, working the dinner theater at Prairie Pines, and on Wednesday I recieved a little more than $40 in tips. Tips are very rare here, only because each ticket purchased has gratuity included.... so occasionally, we see some Christmas spirit when waiting these tables. Well, Thursday, the boys and I had a ton of time to kill, so we were out and about. We had lunch at McDonald's, because the boys just LOVE the McChicken on the dollar menu. Works for me..... it took me sitting there to remember all the kind things Cindy had been doing. So, when we finished eating, I went and bought a $10 gift card and handed it to a grandmother with her 3 granddaughters.... she was very thankful! They had already paid for their food, but I told them maybe they could have some ice cream or use it at a later date, and Merry Christmas!

Next, the boys and I headed to the mall, to do some miniature golfing. It was a good deal, and the boys LOVED it! I went to the front and I prepaid another $10 for the next group that came in. Sure enough, there were some grandparents with 2 grandsons. They had stopped and inquired, but then they left. I was sure grandpa wasn't in the mood to pay and spend time there.... before you know it, they were back! The front lady told them a "secret donor" had paid $10.... which meant the boys got to play for only $2!! I felt so good! I couldn't even describe it!

We left golfing, and went to the food court for some Orange Julius... believe it or not, but this was the first time the boys have had these.... I've truly deprived them!! ;) It was here, that we got to talk about the true spirit of Christmas. They were able to witness their mom giving to complete strangers! I told them how much I wish for them to be so thankful for everything they have and everything they will receive at Christmas! There are so many children out there that will be lucky to get a single gift, and many won't even see a Christmas gift at all! I hope something soaked in with our talk.

We finished our treats, and I needed to head to Target for a couple last things.... when I checked out, I paid for another $10 gift card, and handed it to the lady behind me, wishing her a Merry Christmas, as well. This is when Riley chimed in, and said, "What a nice mommy!" I gave him a hug, and we went back to my parents.

Fast forward to this morning.... the boys and I packed up and came back home. I stopped by McDonald's for a drink on the way home, and after I paid, I asked to pay for the person behind me.... and again I just left with a warm heart.

I truly hope somewhere, I made an impact or maybe something has been paid forward with these good deeds, but if not, it really brought my spirits WAY up! I wish I could be that person who could take $20,000 to KMart and pay off layaways for strangers, but it's just not in my cards. If I wouldn't have collected those extra tips, I'm not sure it would have been as easy on me to let go of some of my money.... but tips or not, I am so happy I did these R.A.O.K.'s, and I'm happy my boys saw each and every one of them. Merry Christmas, Friends!!!


Erica said...

Oh my gosh that is so cool! That touched my heart...why am I tearing up?!! What an inspiration!

Leesa said...

You are so awesome. I'm so glad you shared this. It has helped me to remember about those r.o.a.k's for strangers and not just people in our families.
Jason and I had a couple pay for our dinner once at a restaurant and we were soooo amazed at their kindness! This reminds me that we STILL need to pay it forward!