Monday, June 23, 2014


I rushed to get the boys' rooms ready so Riley could have a friend over for "pre" birthday fun. We invited Jordan to stay over (our first official house guest) and they had a great time. Riley waned to head to The Adventure Park. Here is picture of the boys on the tram... Reece is entering the lovely stage of making goofy faces in ALL pictures. Oh, JOY!

The very next day we had our first "out of town" guests come visit and see the house. My BFF from birth, Sarah, drove through town with her family and hung out with us for a few hours. She has two boys closer to Reece's age, but they always all get along so well. We took them to the Brewpub for some homemade root beer and walked downtown for a bit, then we went by the "water park" to watch a few kayakers and surfers in the Colorado River. Then they were off to continue their mountainous adventure.

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