Saturday, June 7, 2014

Final Days of School

It's so hard to believe that the boys have already completed a full school year in Colorado. In some ways it feels as though it was just yesterday we moved here. Time is flying by too quickly. It's kind of scary. Here's a little of what happened the last few days. 
Monday Riley got to go with Band students to the adventure park. He got his good friend, Jordan, to try the swing for the first time. It was a good day for him.

Reece had a good ol' fashioned "Field Day"... He signed up for 3 events. Cross Country run, Standing Long Jump and Softball Throw. He got 1st place in the first 2 and 3rd in the Softball Throw. This is exactly how my "Field Days" were as a kid and brought back so many memories.

On Tuesday, Reece got to go with 3rd grade to The Glenwood Hot Springs Pool all day. Educational field trip, I'm sure. ;)

My 11 year old on the first and last day of school. He is definitely "pre" teen.... Overall, Riley had a great year. So happy!!

My then 8 year old, now 9 year old baby. So hard to believe my youngest will be a 4th grader.  Reece did get the "Best Attendance" Award. He only missed 1 day.

Here's to a great school year in a new district. I still can't believe how fast time is going by. Here's to a great summer!

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