Monday, June 23, 2014

Riley's Birthday...The BIG 12!

I can't believe my baby is 12. He is totally showing signs of a 'preteen', but I'm still in denial. How did this sweet face grow up so quickly!?!

A dozen donuts for my 12 year old. Don't worry, he didn't eat ALL of them. He did share... but this picture shows so much. Riley is eating more than I've EVER seen him eat before, he is sleeping more than ever...early to bed, late to rise (just look at that exhausted face) and the always forced smile...required for every picture mom wants of her boy.

That evening we had the Scrutons over for dinner and celebration. 

Celia Scruton likes to photo bomb.... Riley is in the background.

Riley got lots of Legos, the Lego Movie (his favorite gift), a new basketball to replace the one that exploded a few weeks ago, and a special "Harry Potter" book set with a cool case. 

Hello, Celia...again! ;)

Thanks Celia, Nina, Abby, Nick, Michelle and Mark for helping make Riley's birthday special!

Now on to the pie...yep, Riley wanted pie for his birthday. Not too shocking, if you know my pie guy. I don't make pies. Thank goodness Village Inn is down the road and they carry Riley's favorite. French Silk.

OOps! Celia got my phone!

Success. Riley went to bed a very happy 12 year old. 

1 comment:

Erica said...

Love the hat! Happy late birthday Riley!!! You are growing up so fast! Glad to see you had such a great birthday.