Monday, June 23, 2014

Parting With My Boys

Being a full time working mom has been so hard... well just since school ended. We were so lucky to have been able to arrange for the boys to head to Kansas and see lots of family for a few weeks. Even though I know they will have more fun there with grandparents and cousins, it was so hard leaving them yesterday and knowing I won't see them for so long. I'm thankful for technology, as it helps...a little.
Jake's dad and Grandma Sally drove out to Burlington, CO to  meet us halfway. We stayed the night (thankfully there was  a Burlington doesn't offer much) and then the next morning we ate breakfast and went opposite ways. 

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!! Drive safe!

I only teared up 3-4 times on the way back to Glenwood. And if I sit here and think about it much, the watery eyes will come back. Jake and I have work and painting to keep us consumed, and with all my hope it makes the weeks fly by where we will be reunited at my family reunion in Westcliffe, CO. 

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