Wednesday, December 30, 2015


This year Jake literally forced me up the mountain. I had a terrible first time experience years ago, and really had not desire to do it again. Jake had other plans...I was kinda dreading snow.

Reece's cute face and full lips!

Riley worked up an appetite on day one.

Heading up the lift with Reece...this may have been a forced smile.

I spy Jake and Riley... nearly the same size! Well...Jake is a little wider.

Day 2... Riley and Reece in front of us.

The boys took me to the top! Yikes!

Day 3 was just Jake and I... Mt. Sopris was out! (It was hiding yesterday behind the ONLY cloud in the sky.)

My skis... I definitely broke them in.
So overall I'm not a natural skier. I like to be in complete control and it's super hard for me to relax while flying down the mountain. I like to go sloooooow. The first day I took a group lesson. I did not enjoy it, there were only 4 of us, but there is always that 1 person that needs all the attention.

Day 2...I really didn't want to go back. I went ahead and took a private lesson. It didn't go too badly, but I still hated going fast. The problem is, when you go slow it actually tires your legs out quicker.

Day 3... I REALLY didn't want to go back at all. Not ever again!! But I forced myself knowing that if I didn't get out then, the next time wouldn't get any easier. So Jake and I went out (the boys opted to stay home in the warmth.) Jake went slow with me on the easiest run. We did it over and over and over... I still had issues with speed. Our last run we went up top again. I didn't fall once! My legs still tired, because I made myself go slow, although I went much faster than I had been. So baby steps. I didn't give up, but I will be a work in progress to get much more comfortable on skis.

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We had a WONDERFULLY quiet and white Christmas!
We woke up fairly early...which is normal. Even as an adult the magic of Christmas keeps me from sleeping in. Had the most amazing Cinnamon Roll French Toast Bake and settled in to open gifts.
Santa brought the boys some new Jayhawk gear and cool Colorado mugs...Reece insisted on having hot chocolate first thing to test out his new mug.

Good morning!! We all look like we could use a few more zzzzzz....

The boys' cousins got them some new games to play. Yay!

Some Star Wars action figures
Reece also got some new clothes and Steelers gear.
The boys got some video games.
Riley got new clothes, guitar books, a new basketball, and new clothes (He's growing out of his clothes too quickly!)
His real gift is the gift of going to Washington DC in the spring with the 8th graders.

The mug at room temperature.

The mug with a hot beverage in it. Fun!!

We spent the rest of Christmas playing board games and I managed to squeeze in 2 naps!! That never happens... we had a nice dinner and just enjoyed our family time. As much as we miss family we sure do enjoy not rushing around and taking it easy once in a while.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

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I did it! I've officially watched the Star Wars series... it was crunch time because I had watched the final episode the night before the road trip to Denver began. We chose to watch the movie in Denver because we wanted a real theater experience...something the Western Slope doesn't offer. We got IMAX and 3D and it did not disappoint.

One of the silly signs along the way... When we arrived to Denver we met up with the Scruton, Shaner and Juuls family. The grown "boys" were way more excited than most of the kids. It was quite funny. Then it was a late dinner at Brio Tuscan Grill... it was amazing!! Then it was back to the hotel for some late night swimming and eventually bed. 

We woke up VERY early on Sunday and pigged out on the yummy breakfast  provided by the hotel. We quickly packed up and headed to the theater at 9am for our 10am viewing.
Um, Reece...the 3D hasn't started yet.

Just an okay picture of our group...we took half rows. 

Celia, Reece, Abby and Riley
The entire gang. We ALL had Star Wars shirts...the movie did not disappoint. And I believe this was the best 3D/IMAX experience I've ever had. Two thumbs up from this gang.
Proof I had on a Star Wars shirt. My vest was hiding it...
Good friends, good times, epic memories! Guess we need to start planning for the next movie.


It took some hiking, in the deep, deep snow, but we found our "perfect" tree! Here it is with the fresh snow still on it.

The boys were having a blast playing in the snow...not so much hiking and searching for our tree. Luke joined us...and thankfully he did! He took our picture, so we had a Christmas card to send out.

Reece after a cannonball in the snow.

Riley and Luke.

Snow up to my knees! And that wasn't the deepest area!


I am proud to say I had the tree up and decorated immediately. Ahhh!
Merry Christmas!

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Oh, WOW! Are these my baby boys looking so grown up!? How did this happen.
So hard to believe in 6 months I will have a high schooler and a middle schooler. Crazy!


Oh wow! Time is flying by... a couple things to point it out; I haven't found time to blog in a while and REECE TURNED ELEVEN THIS YEAR!! He had a fun filled 4 days of celebrating.
Day one we had his BFF, Luke, stay over. Luke bought Reece his very own football. If there is one thing we know about Reece at this age, it is he is totally obsessed with football. That is no exaggeration. He talks football nonstop!

Hard to get a good picture in the dark, but we took the boys to Iron Mountain Hot Springs to celebrate. It was relaxing for Jake and I, and lots of fun for the boys.

Birthday dessert #1... Butterfingers Dessert! Yum!

Day 2 we had the Scruton and Brocker families over for dinner. Reece got another football AND football gloves. The excitement in this picture are very real!  He also got basketball shoes and clothes, a Star Wars figure and a new pocket knife.

Reece had a second birthday dessert on this night. Cookies and Cream Cake. 

December 8th. Reece's real birthday. Reece loves eggs, so I attempted scrambled eggs shaped like the number 11.

Reece got a Steelers shirt from my parents. He was again, super excited! He also got a new headset for his Xbox and a Madden football game along with some birthday money. I think 2015 treated this spoiled kid very well. Oh, and the real birthday dessert was Angel Food cake with strawberries and whipped cream! These 4 days were quite a whirlwind...and there's no time to relax, because Christmas is right around the corner!

Friday, November 27, 2015


We had a very quiet Thanksgiving. I invited a friend from work and her husband over, so they weren't all alone, and that was about it. Food, friends, football and basketball... oh yeah, I watched my second Star Wars movie too. I think we were all fat and happy by the end of the day.
I had the boys make our "table cloth" for dinner... wrapped the table in brown packaging paper and gave them markers to write what they were "thankful" for. It ended up being a family project...the boys were slow to start, but once we nudged them a little the ball got rolling.

I'm thankful for...
(in no specific order), transportation, Aspen Music Festivals and Schools, 'Merica, sports, guitar, Plexus, Jaxon (guitar instructor), education, Pi and Pie, food, cousins, beds, colorful Colorado, siblings, teachers, grandparents, Riley, Reece, money, jobs, water, house, The Middle (Reece's TV obsession), skiing, my family, peaches, Jake-who can cook...and is from HR, Kansas Basketball, art, my parents paying for my DC trip, Ouidad...there's more here, I just can't remember or read it. :) 

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Would you believe me if I told you I had never watched any of the Star Wars movies??
I know what Star Wars is and I know many of the characters...I've just never sat down and watched the series. I even got Jake this super cool Blue Ray DVD set a few years ago...but it was a gift for him to enjoy.

Well, Jake has purchased advanced tickets for us to go see the new movie in Denver on the IMAX screen...guess after 33+ years, it's time to catch up. Being a mom of boys, I think it was bound to happen. So here we go...
I forgot I had this little story saved away....I forgot to blog about it, but it was funny. Again, it shows how much I don't know about Star Wars, and what being a mom of boys can be like. I think this is from last January or February.
  • I don't remember how this got brought up one morning, but Jake revealed he has dreamt about flying a Tie Fighter. I, having never seen Star Wars, had to ask what that was... Reece rolls his eyes in disapproval of me. My boys educated me on what a Tie Fighter (I may be spelling this wrong...again, not into Star Wars) and I had to give Jake grief that he was a grown man dreaming about such things....Reece interjected, "Mom, it's just what men do!" 


This kid is a hoot! 
I am thankful for...
You guys putting a roof over my head.
Because if I did not I would be homeless and cold!!!
You pay all the bills for me.
Thank you!
Love, Reece
Jake is his hero: My dad builds many things for me and my family to help.

Jake will always have that on me...I can't build anything! ;)

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Riley's 8th grade came and went so quickly... they literally cram the season in 6 weeks. The boys play before Christmas break and the girls play afterwards.

Riley played a lot of point/guard...Even though Riley is tall to me, he's not nearly the tallest in his class. He is, however, one of the youngest...which may be part of that. Riley had fun and always kept his head up. He never missed a practice and has really worked hard on his shooting. I loved every minute of watching him play this year.
Riley's team picture. He is front row, far right.


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Showing off those left handed skills. :)