Friday, November 7, 2008

Football pictures

Unfortunately, we were in Wichita when Riley's team had their professional pictures taken, so this is the best I have. It turned out that Riley's jersey DID NOT have Wildcats anywhere on it. I was pleased. One of the pictures is from practice, when he caught his first pass. I was so happy to get that one. Other than that, he was mostly, best at being in the "ready" position. You know, with his hands on his knees. I am very proud of Riley for wanting to try something new (we asked him if he wanted to play and he said yes) but, 6 might have been too young. His team was one of the youngest ones out there, and coach yelled a lot. It was frustrating for him, because all of the 6 and 7 year olds were too busy wrestling and goofing off all the time. Riley was the opposite, but the motivation wasn't quite there. He still got out there every game and practice, he is just a "laid back" kid and doesn't put too much effort into activities like this. My hope is that this will change as he gets older. At least he got the experience and he always tries.


Andrea said...

Awww. he's so big!! Good for him!
Matt says if you find him a job out there and sell both of our houses here that we will move. Soo....if you could get started tonight that would be great.

Andrea said...

Move here... please, please please move here, friend