Saturday, November 22, 2008

Reece at the "Back Doctor"

Reece woke up 2 days ago, crying that his neck hurt. We usually don't pay much attention to Reece crying (since we've been listening to it for almost 4 years), but this time was different, we could just see the pain in his eyes. It hurt him to raise his arm, or tilt and turn his head. It was so sad. We mentioned over breakfast, we would have to take him to the chiropractor, or as Reece says, the "Back Doctor." This made him cry even more. Eventually, he realized that the pain was enough for him to want to see the doctor. Reece has seen me often at the Chiropractor, and was an instant pro. He was AMAZING! He sat down with no problem, allowed the doctor to adjust him, and didn't cry one bit. Obviously, the doctor was very careful and didn't do anything too traumatic, and when all was done, Reece was thirsty enough for a little drink of water. He still complains about a little pain, but I don't see the pain like we did the first day. Hopefully, it's just sore muscles getting better by the day.
(Yes, I'm aware that it looks like Reece is wearing black lipstick in the 1st picture. I don't know why, but occasionally my camera does this, and only to Reece. Creepy. If anyone knows why, let me know...)


Shenna said...

Poor little guy. Hopefully he's all better!

Andrea said...

SAD!! Im glad he is feeling better. I love that sweater!