Sunday, November 23, 2008

I was an "Angel" today!

This year, the girls at my work decided to bring in an "Angel Tree." I know, with it not even being Thanksgiving yet, it is hard to think about Christmas being 32 days away. It's coming quickly. This time of year is, by far, my favorite. It is also too easy to get caught up in the Christmas "madness." Even though this is always a very tight time in our household, financially, I know it could be so much worse. There is so much for my family and I to be thankful for. Today, I took the boys to Target to shop for a 2 year old boy, that only wanted cars and trucks. It was so much fun watching them get excited about buying a few toys that they probably take for granted themselves. I explained why we do this, and why giving has a way better feeling than getting. Although, they are still young, it is never too early to start being a good example.

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