Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm posting this early, but we will all be on the road early tomorrow. We will be going to Wichita to have Thanksgiving with, almost, my entire family. If I calculated correctly, 26 of us will be crammed in my parents house. Never a dull moment there.
On that note, I am thankful for my family. I think Jake gave me 2 great boys. They are healthy and smart, and I am so glad they have so many great cousins, that they get to be close friends with. I am thankful for my parents and how much they love all 20 of their grandkids. Their love never runs low, and I know my boys can't wait to head to Wichita, just to see them. I am thankful Jake is working so hard at work, and at finishing school. His health is really heading in the right direction and he is a great provider. For some reason, he also loves me unconditionally. Sometimes, I wonder why?! I will always be the first to admit that I am not that easy to live with.
Riley learned a lot about Thanksgiving this week, I made his top 3 list. (HA! HA! Sorry Dad.) Ultimately, his brother, Reece, is his #1 person he is thankful for. I LOVE IT! I am so glad they are still best buds, and Riley really misses Reece, while at school. Same goes for Reece.
Well, I wish everyone a happy, safe and healthy Thanksgiving. Now eat a lot of Turkey and have fun!

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