Thursday, September 3, 2009

Baby Talk and More

NO!! Jake and I are not talking about having another baby!!!

The boys have been though. Several times in the past year or so, Riley has mentioned he wants a baby brother or sister. I've laughed, and asked him where a baby would sleep in our crowded house? His answer was simple. He would share his bunk bed with the baby. Oh, if everything were that simple. Thankfully, he's good at dropping subjects.

A few weeks ago, Reece told me he wanted a baby too. This is thanks to our neighbor who just had Zakk. Tommi was VERY pregnant at the time. I asked him why. He said, "Because they are so cute."

"They aren't very cute when they cry all day and night, like you did." And, he disagreed. Reece finds babies very cute. Too bad he doesn't remember what a pain he was as a baby. =P

Next, Riley is not loving school that much anymore. He really likes his teacher. That's about where our conversations stop. He tells me each day, he wishes he could stay with me. Spend ALL day with me. He loves me. I hope this is just normal boredom of school. Deep down, I worry there is a specific reason, he suddenly doesn't want to go. As far as I can tell, he gets along with everyone, and he has his good friends. I know he does well in class. Maybe, I'm just that great of a MOM! And it's that hard not to be around me. Kidding! Kidding. Tune in next week, for Riley's latest thoughts on 2nd grade.

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