Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Day of Preschool For Reece

The day has finally arrived!!!
Reece is in Preschool!!!
Now he will only be lost on Tuesdays and Thursdays, without his best friend Riley. =D

Reece is so lucky to have his cousin, Brevin, in his class!

Getting all the wiggles out before school starts!

Jake said he was "sad" Reece was in preschool. I'm not sad at all!!! I'm so excited for this! Is that a bad thing?
Reece has been high maintenance from day one, and if there is one thing Reece needs and is good at, it's interacting with classmates. He needs school and will do very well at school.
He is my baby, and I love him very much, but he will always be my baby no matter how big he gets! I will also love him unconditionally too!

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