Thursday, September 3, 2009

Playdate For Reece

Today, we got to have a couple of Reece's friends over!
Brynn, Reece and Logan.
The fun started outside.
Brynn being a frog. FYI; Brynn LOVES animals.
She actually showed me how a Marsupial jumps. Yep, she used the word marsupial! What a smarty. (For those who don't know, she was a kangaroo =D)
Reece chasing the girls...
Logan testing out Reece's "cool" bike.
Brynn drew a Daddy Ladybug and a Baby Ladybug.
Logan drew her Baby Brother, Zakk.
Brynn on the scooter.
Reece drew himself, Riley, and himself again, because he messed up on his first himself.
Notice, Reece is wearing the helmet, while the girls are doing the stunts. Sorry parents!!
The kids picked me some "flowers" while we were outside. It was so sweet. Brynn asked, "Do you know why I picked those flowers for you?"
"It's because I love you!"
Aww!! What a sweetie!!
I had to get a big hug after that!
Sadly, my flowers died an hour later. =(
Next, it was inside to put a Dora and Diego puzzle together.
Then we played the "Honeybee" game!!
After all the fun, we had to eat lunch, and end all of the fun.
Thanks for coming to play today! Reece had so much fun!

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