Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Joys of the Bus Stop

Or, not! We have the pleasure of having the bus stop in our driveway. Last year was the first year the this began, and it's been unbearable since. It started out on the corner, where our Stop sign is. Then it gradually moved onto our driveway. It's not just a nice line, that forms at the end of our driveway, it is a group of 5-8 loud and obnoxious kids that have taken over our driveway.

Last year, I yelled at them for hanging on our basketball goal, and for just being SO loud at such an early hour. Eventually, I was able to tolerate the noise, because I was fearing that I was the "old grumpy lady on the corner." The real issue is, these kids gather 20 minutes early. Everyday, they are outside by 7:20 and the bus arrives at 7:40. This is where they find the time to be so obnoxious!

What people don't understand is, Jake's schedule is very sporadic. Some days he closes and others he opens. When he closes, he won't get to bed until after midnight. Therefore, he isn't too excited to wake up that early in the morning, but the kids decide this for him. We have also had some great weather, and our windows have been open for a couple of weeks. Whether our windows are open or closed, these kids are still way too loud. The open windows just add to it.

If it is really cold or rainy, they gather up by our garage door. Our bedroom windows are right above the garage. We hear everything and it stinks! I'm also worried a boy is being "border line" bullied out there. One of the quieter boys, is constantly getting a backpack full of heavy books, thrown at him. I think he dodges it, but I've seen these backpacks thrown around often.

Why am I just now being pushed over the edge?? Today, they decided to throw a ton of cookies into the drain in the street. What's the big deal? A lot of these cookies remained in our driveway, all crumbled up, and wet from the rain, after the bus took them to school. How are kids so disrespectful?? I'm sure if any of them had the bus stop in their driveway, cookies wouldn't have been left around.

I had had it, and I had no idea what to do. I went to talk to one of the neighbor moms, who has a daughter that rides the bus. She is the only parent I know. I asked her if she had any idea what I could do. She gave me the number of who I should contact. When I called, they didn't seem to care at all about my complaints. They said the sidewalk was public property, and I had no say in where the bus stop should or should not be. When I told her they were all over my driveway, she still didn't really care, but said she would contact the bus driver, and the driver could talk to the kids. That's all I get? Seriously?? Ugh!!! My kids will never be bus riders, and it's not fair for them to gather in my driveway!


Shenna said...

I'd call the transportation department and complain until something happens. Call every day. That's ridiculous. It's one thing for them to hang out on the sidewalk, but when they are violating your property, that's different. I'm mad just reading about it. Hopefully you can get your point across to someone!

Erica said...

I am so sorry, that sounds horrible! Could they gather in your neighbor's driveway, the neigbor who's kid rides the bus? You've probably tried that. I've driven by some rowdy kids dropping Bridget off at the babysitters. I wonder if it is the same crowd...