Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Girls

I'm feeling unsuccessful these days in raising manly boys. Nothing manly or even boyish about my boys. The lovely thing is that they truly are the nicest boys you'll probably come across, the horrible thing is I might be raising emotional, girly~boys on accident.

The incident that happened this week, and brought on this post, was so infuriating and embarrassing!!!

Thursday night, after a VERY long day of work in Harrisonville, MO (which is an hour away), I had to rush home, feed the boys dinner, and Riley had basketball practice. I was so tired, I asked Riley if it was okay that I dropped and picked him up from practice. He said it would be fine, but then Reece pouted. Reece loves to run around at practice, and was sad that he couldn't go. So, I sucked it up, changed clothes and off to practice we went. I took a book, and tried to focus on that, while Reece was sliding on the ground in front of me, like he was sliding into home plate. Within minutes, he came up to me and said it felt like he had an owie on his knee. His jeans were starting to get holes in the knees, so we carefully pulled up his pant leg. What we found was the smallest, barely there floor burn. I know these are annoying, but there was no blood and no harm. When he saw this, he said he wanted to go home to get a bandaid. I told him he would have to wait. This is not how he wanted his owie to be treated!!! Reece is so good at making himself cry and freak out. When I wasn't going to get him a bandaid, he began panic mode, and wouldn't bend or let me touch his knee. My family reading this, should remember his break down on Christmas Day with the hair splinter in his foot. Exact same reaction! He started screaming and crying like a 2 year old. All the moms were looking at us, like what did I do to the poor boy, or seriously, how old is this kid?? I grabbed all of our stuff, picked Reece up, and the tears stopped. We were out the door, and I dropped a shoe. I had to put him down, and pick it up, so Reece starts hopping on one foot. Heaven forbid he put pressure on his floor burned knee. I was so angry when we got home, I put a bandaid on, and told him to go to his room. The only reason he could come out, would be to go to the bathroom. He went in and fell asleep. I waited until practice was over, went in and tried to wake him up, but he was out. I let him sleep and went to pick Riley up real quick. When we returned he was crying. The garage woke him up, and he missed me while I was gone for the 3 minutes I was!! Oh the drama...Good thing I don't have a girl, because I'm not doing too well with the boys chaos!

Riley isn't as dramatic as Reece, but he is seriously the boy on the bench at basketball with his legs crossed. He is the boy that compliments girls outfits. He is the boy that is blowing kisses at me while playing sports. He is my sweet boy, but we need to toughen him up a bit...


Leesa said...

This is too funny - I'm the mom of two girls who worries that my girls are going to be the least lady-like of them all. Don't let Taylor fool you with her love of jewelry. She can burp like a man.
Don't worry about your boys - they're in great hands!!!

Andrea said...

that is so funny! I have a fairly dramatic boy too, but he can be pretty tough when he wants to be. Ava on the other hand, well she should have been a boy. A gay one.
She loves all things dressy, skirts, shoes, ballerinas, princesses...but she can kick landons butt too.
Crazy how kids come with their own personalities huh?
Your boys are two of the sweetest, most polite kids ive ever met. Youre doing a great job.