Thursday, March 11, 2010

What's Been Happening...

Well, today I have some time at work to blog. Wish I could get pictures up, but that will have to wait. 

The boys are showing signs of really missing dad. They are so great with me, and never show these signs, but it's when I'm away. On Monday at school, Reece asked his teacher, Mrs. Alton, "When is my daddy going to come back?" Mrs. Alton didn't realize that Jake had already been relocated, so wasn't sure what he meant. She just thought that Jake was gone on business. I guess technically, she was right. Just more permanent business. This has been a long couple of weeks. When he first moved, we didn't see him for 5 days. He spent the weekend with us, and has been gone for 11 days now. He had Sunday off, but the poor guy is so exhausted I wanted him to take it easy, and stay in Wichita. Driving 6 hours round trip would just be too much on his tired body. So instead he went to McPherson to start looking for houses. He has today off too, but the same, he shouldn't come home on the days he only has 1 day off. More house hunting and maybe a relaxing movie for the hard working man.

Riley is handling it pretty well, but he just has these days where he is not himself. I ask what's wrong, and he can't put into words what is wrong. As far as he knows, nothing is wrong. He just can't comprehend what is bothering him. He is always saying how much he misses dad, and most of the time acting his normal self, but this has been a huge adjustment on us all. Jake is a missing link to our family, but we are all doing good. It must be hardest on Jake. I have the boys to hang on to, and he is on his own. My thanks to Jody and Kip for being so hospitable to Jake. We truly appreciate it!

I've been doing well. It's a lot of pressure keeping the house in tip top shape, but I'm doing a pretty good job at it. (Andrea, I'd still love to have you help!!) Each day gets easier for me. Although each day I'm excited to be one day closer to seeing Jake, I'm emotionally in a great place. I've been strong when I haven't wanted to, and I'm doing great. This doesn't mean I haven't been lonely. I actually have the boys sleep in my room. They take turns in my bed or on the floor. It's so nice having them close to me, while Jake is gone. I know they enjoy it too. It's so funny, Riley came up with a system for the boys. I thought they would just rotate each night, but Riley woke up with a fever the first night in my bed, so he thinks it was from sleeping there. So, Reece gets the bed 3 nights and Riley gets to just 1 night. Weird, I know! Reece actually hates the floor and wouldn't give me a kiss the night he was there. Riley being the best big brother ever, negotiated with him and is now giving Reece 4 nights in the bed. Tonight will be his floor rotation, so I hope I get a kiss.

Well the house was on the market for 1 week, when we got an offer. It was shown only 4 times. Hallelujah! However the offer was awful! We would've lost a ton of money. We countered, and they recountered. It still would've been a $2500.00 loss. Money we don't have. We were told it was a single lady, and she was at the top of her qualifying. My realtor was annoyed because she didn't feel our home should have been shown to her, if it was out of our range. She told us to sleep on it. Jake and I had mixed emotions. We knew the market was going to be tough, and if we had a crystal ball, we would've know what to do. The next day, the buyer went with another company, and got approved for more, and accepted our original counter. Putting us in the green, just a little. She really wants our home. How cool is it to know that someone really wants YOUR home. It's kind of touching. Ok, so I'm not emotionally attached to our home, but it's a big compliment to us. It's so weird thinking that Riley was almost 2 and I was barely pregnant with Reece when we bought the house. It was decorated tackily, but we saw through it, and eventually turned it into a beautiful home. (Thanks to Jody's great taste) A huge part of our life is in this house. So I kind of strayed here, after I signed some papers yesterday, I got a call that someone wanted to come look at the house for a 2nd time. Hmmm... Would they put an offer in too? Could we get more money if 2 offers took place? My realtor doesn't think so, so she is pushing us to hurry and have Jake sign papers, so we could be under contract by the end of the day. 

Saturday, Riley has his last basketball game, and then we are off to Wichita to see Jake, and celebrate 1st quarter birthdays! Then Jake is home Monday through Thursday next week. Woo Hoo!!!


Shenna said...

Wow, that's amazing that you already have an offer on your home!!! What a huge blessing! Hopefully it all works out and you'll all be back together soon.

If we tried to sell our house for the market value right now, we'd have a loss of about $100,000. I'm really praying things turn around down here in the next few years!!

Leesa said...

How exciting that you are on the verge of a contract already!! Yay! That will be a lot of pressure off your shoulders, I'm sure.
If you have time, let's get together while you're in town. :)