Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Reece Troubles

Reece is finally showing, what I assume, signs of distress of Jake being gone.

He uses the word "HATE" a lot. Jake and I constantly ask him not to use it. He hates foods that he always loved. He didn't want to go to school today, because he hates school. He told me he hates work, because he loves his daddy. I really don't think he understands the power of this word, I just think he picked it up somewhere, and it's the best way for him to express himself. I'm glad he expresses himself, I just really need to work on better ways for him to do so. He actually gave me a kiss when I dropped him off at school. How sweet, but so not normal. He doesn't want to go anywhere without us, because he says he loves us. It's like he's scared we aren't coming back. Hope we survive this next month or so, without Reece being too traumatized.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Poor Reece! I remembered when my dad traveled to KC before we moved here, it was hard! My mom did an excellent job, it just felt different. Sometimes I was even more scared at night because I wondered who would protect us. Once we moved, I felt much better! Reece will get through this and before you know it you will all be together again:)