Thursday, March 18, 2010

Our Home

Our house got it's "SOLD FAST" sign today. The inspection passed, so we are officially in a legal contract. She (the buyer) will take over the house on May 10th. Since our house is almost officially not our house, I thought I should document it.
17301 S. Ingrid St.
Gardner, KS 66030
The grand living room.

Our kitchen.
And dining room.
Hall bath
Bedroom #2
Boys room.
The master.

Master bath
The basement.

On Wednesday, we went house hunting in McPherson, and put an offer on this house.

It's 103 years old!!
But the charm wins hands down with all the other homes we saw.
It's flaws has more wall paper than you've ever seen, and it has 1.5 bathrooms. Actually, you can't even consider the .5 really being half. That is being too generous. The boys will fit in it just fine, but I will probably never use it. However, the house has perfect areas to build and create a bathroom.
I fell in love with this house immediately. It's not perfect, but not much is in McPherson. It does have a brand new kitchen. We are going to have so much fun living and making this home ours. I'm not getting my hopes up, because our offer hasn't been accepted yet.
We had such a long day in the car, Reece passed out while reaching for the Twizzlers.


Erica said...

Congratulations! I can't believe all of this, it is happening so fast! You will be missed!!!!

Andrea said...

Oh my goodness friend! I LOVE the "new" house! I hope you get it. Your current house looks awesome. No wonder it sold so fast!! I'm so glad things are working out well for you guys. It definitely makes the transition easier. Love you!

Leesa said...

Oooh! Old houses have such great character! I can't wait to hear what happens next!