Friday, March 19, 2010

Quarterly Birthdays

Last weekend we went to Wichita to celebrate birthdays. 3 out of 5 of the birthday kids live in Utah, so they didn't get to participate. The party was all about Colby and Camryn. (And KU basketball)
Camryn opening her gifts. She turns 6 next month.

Colby VERY excited about his Legos. He turned 8 in January.
Thanks to Joanna for hosting. For birthday dessert, she provided a brownie/sundae bar. I was terrible about taking pictures due to the college basketball that was on the TV.

Reece, Riley, Aidan and Colby, not really ready for the day to end...

1 comment:

Leesa said...

I love how your family celebrates the birthdays on a quarterly basis. It's a good idea for big families! I'd like to do something like it with Jason's family, but since 75% of the family lives around Utah... I suppose we would end up travelling 100% of the time.