Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fool's

Well, my April fools day started off rough. I brought it on myself. I woke up, and told the boys that I decided they couldn't play the Wii and DS for 3 weeks. Of course, they were confused and asked why. I just told them they played too many video games, in a very serious voice. They had a disappointed look, but didn't know how to react. Of course I yelled, "APRIL FOOLS!!!!"

This brought on many awful "April Fool's" jokes. They were painful. They don't understand the difference between a good and bad joke. All were bad. Very, very bad!! Until....

After school Riley told me he kissed his best friend Tyler. (A girl, for those who don't know) My eyes got huge, and all I could say was "You did?" In a very obvious, concerned voice. He got me! He got me good!!! It was the best April Fool's joke ever! Riley got a great laugh, and was very proud. I told Tyler's mom, and she about had a heart attack, but also said if Tyler really was going to kiss a boy, she'd rather it be Riley. Ha ha!!!
A Reece funny:
Jake and I were upstairs watching TV, last weekend. Riley and Reece were heading downstairs to watch cartoons, when Reece declared (or demanded): "Don't watch 4-9!!! Those are our cartoons!! Not yours!!!
Meaning, Nickelodeon belongs to the McMillan boys, so consider yourself warned!!!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

Haha! Good job Riley!