Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Two Mortgages


We closed on our McPherson home yesterday. Now we are feeling the pressure of needing the buyer of our Gardner home to come through for us. She is scheduled to close on May 14th.

My mono won't go away, so after we closed we went to our bare house, that doesn't have any furniture. It was a dreadful, and long day. My sister's came to see the house. Jody was there to start helping us choose wall colors. The plan originally was not to tear down wall paper, but half of it came off so easily. It had to be done. All we did have was an air mattress, because our furniture isn't being moved for a week. I was so achy, and I didn't have anywhere to rest comfortably. This made my day miserable, and today was even worse. I was planning on driving back Monday night, and going to work today, but the wall I hit was so bad, that I stayed the night, and after being awake a couple hours this morning, I had to go back to bed. I felt like a truck had run over me. Needless to say I missed work, and didn't get home until 4 pm today. Mono sucks!

I did get to take Reece to Kindergarten round up last night. Reece did well, but was a little shy. He will be going to Roosevelt Elementary. It will be all day kindergarten, and I'm actually pretty excited about this. He is so lost without Riley, that this relieves me, and maybe I'll be able to find a day job, without worrying about babysitters. We shall see.

This post is so all over the place. I'm exhausted and not thinking clearly. Good night!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

I can't wait to see your new house!
I'm so sorry that you've been so sick. I hope you get well soon so you can enjoy all the excitement of moving in and figuring out how you want your new house to look.

Taylor has Kindergarten roundup Thursday night. I'm excited to see how she'll like it.

Get lots of rest and get well! *hugs!*