Saturday, April 10, 2010

Great Friends!!

I just need to take this time to write about my wonderful friends, who are making it hard for me to want to move away...

Jake has been away for a while now. He will finally return late next week, but since he's been gone, my grass has grown substantially. It had been on my to~do list all week, but it rained when I actually had time. Jake had also freaked me out about the mower. It is always difficult to turn on, the first mow of the season. I had psyched myself out too. One time I had to give up, because our mower is so stubborn.

As a joke, based of a King of Queens episode, where Doug configures an upstairs and a downstairs wife...I put on Facebook that I was accepting applications for an "outside" hubby. Only requirement is they needed to mow my lawn. Well, my sweet friend, Jill, had her husband come mow my lawn yesterday afternoon. It was so wonderful! I had planned on starting when I was off work, and school was out. Instead, Jeff had it done by the time school was out.

It was so kind, but then I learned that he saved me a lot of money too. You see, not long after I got home from picking Riley up, I received a phone call from the repair shop saying my car was ready. If I would have been mowing, I would have missed that call, and I wouldn't have gotten my car back, and would have had to pay for the rental over the weekend.

When I finally picked up my car and got home, I felt very achy! I thought I was just that tired, because I'm not sleeping well with Jake gone. The ache got a little worse and I found that I had a fever. I don't remember the last fever I've had, but I was miserable. I don't handle fevers well at all.

So for more ways than I can even explain, I'm so grateful for Jeff and Jill for helping me out! It's great friends like these, that will make leaving Gardner so difficult in about 6 weeks!!

I also have to thank Tommi for always being so willing to help me out with the boys, while I'm working and Jake is gone. She has been a lifesaver!!! Thank you friends!

As for my fever, I woke up feeling great. Which was good, because the boys and I had a crazy, busy day. We had a basketball game in Bonner Springs, and birthday party at Chuck~E~Cheese, and a 2nd birthday party at Build~A~Bear. Unfortunately, 5 minutes after we left the house, the aches came back. Many hours later, I got home, and just as suspected, the fever had returned. No other symptoms, just a fever. Hope this goes away, because I have no one around to take care of me....


jody-of-all-trades said...

Awww...I wish I was there to take care of you...

Leesa said...

I totally know that episode of King of Queens!! Love that show!! Haha!
Feel better soon!

Unknown said...

That is the sweetest thing! I am so glad that you have good friends there. They should come visit when you live closer and then they can meet your great friends that are here. :)