Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Point Was....

This morning I realized I never touched base, on my last post, on what I really wanted to get to. So, when we were at our new house on Monday, we ordered pizza for dinner, and shortly after, several of our neighbors came to introduce themselves. It was so nice. Day and night from when we moved here to Gardner. One of our neighbors has a boy, E.J, that is Riley's age. It could not have been more perfect. Riley had several neighbor kids come out and they played until late, outside. When they left, Riley said, "I guess I do have friends in McPherson!" It was so cute!! The next morning, the boys didn't want to come back. They were ready to leave their life in Gardner. They loved the house, and they loved their new friends.

Another cool thing is.... I have an old friend, that I'd played basketball in high school with. She lives in McPherson, and after we had put the offer on our home, found out she lived on the same street. I was excited about this, and that confirmed my worries about putting the offer on a house so quickly. Well, it turns out her house is literally 2 doors down!!! It couldn't be more perfect! 31(ish) days and counting....

1 comment:

Leesa said...

That is so great! It's so comforting when things like that happen. :)