Thursday, April 8, 2010

House Update

The suspense is over. We will for sure be getting the house we've been wanting. When we had the inspection done, there were a few big issues that we wanted fixed. We weren't surprised about the issues of a 100+ year home, but we weren't going to buy it, if we were going to have to dump a ton of money in it, just to live up to code. There was a huge foundation crack, some old plumbing issues, and an electrical issue. The sellers hadn't known of any of them, because we were the first ones to have an inspection. We asked for these bigger issues to be fixed. They got estimates and were very willing, but did ask us to chip in a little. The grand total was well over $6000.00, and we paid a small fraction. The work should be in progress, and within 2 weeks (hopefully), we should have the paperwork complete and Jake will have a place to live!! I'm very excited, but just want the rest of this process to be wrapped up quickly and easily!!


Erica said...

I am going to miss you guys! Riley has been super cute at school. Whenever he sees me he says hi and gives me a big smile! It melts my heart! Usually by this time, I am forgotten by 2nd graders so it is neat that Riley still wants to say hi to me! What a sweet kid!

Leesa said...

Yay! I'm excited that you're getting closer in the whole process!
I can't wait to come see your cool new (old) house! (I love old houses.)