Monday, April 12, 2010

Sick Day(s)

Ugh... My hopes for a 24 hour fever, is stretching itself to nearly 72 hours. It goes away with meds, but comes right back. At night it goes away, but within one or two hours of waking up, it's back. I handle a lot of stuff well, but fevers I do not! I can't handle the head to toe achiness. It's the worst thing ever to me. I need it to go away, or I need Jake to come back home NOW! My fever has stayed in the 99 range for the most part, but for me that's enough. I have a low body temperature, so it doesn't take much for my pain to feel out of control.

Riley came down with a fever last night, but it quickly went away. I had to keep him home because of the 24 hour rule. He's still fine. He's never had a fever go away so easily. I kept Reece home, because I hurt too bad to take him to preschool.

On a lovely note... Reece found some lovely reasons to wake me from my morning sleep today. He wanted to show me that he could touch his ear to his shoulder. Awesome trick! =/ Also, that he was down to his last clean pair of underwear. Laundry day it is. So happy he keeps me up on all the current happenings....

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