Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ill and Irritated

After 2 weeks of feeling under the weather, it's been confirmed that I have Mono!!! What the heck?? When I hear this, it reminds me of a teenage, kissing disease. I'm baffled, and looking up info online, only makes it worse. It says that I probably came in contact 4-6 weeks ago... that makes it so hard to think about. Also, I'm not a germaphobe (sp?) but I'm pretty weary of germs. How did this happen? Arg.... I know I've been so overwhelmed and so exhausted, maybe my defenses are down. I've officially stretched myself too thin. All I can do is rest. My head hurts, I ache all over, and a low fever keeps popping up. I need strength to get through these last weeks here, and I need to be able to help the boys enjoy their last days here too. Hope this passes soon! I also hope I didn't pass this to my boys or Jake in the mean time!


Leesa said...

:( I agree - you've officially worn yourself out! Get well soon!!

Unknown said...

No more kissing babies for you. Take care honey.

Shenna said...

Yuck...sorry to hear you're still not feeling better! Hopefully it gets better soon!