Thursday, April 1, 2010

Goodbye, Alaina!

Riley came home last Friday, and told me there were 2 reasons he had a bad day.

1.) He didn't get a chance to play his board game, that he got to take to school. (His team won a pajama and board game day)

2.) Alaina was going to be moving the next day.

Oh, the poor kid. Alaina moved here in 1st grade, and Riley has been smitten ever since. I let him call Alaina that night. It was so cute. I could hear how excited Alaina was on the phone, and Riley had so much to say, but he couldn't get a word in, except that he was going to miss her. She invited us to go say bye in person the next day. Riley made a card... I will miss you! Have a good time in Fennix (Phoenix). Followed by a lot of frowny faces. He gave her some skittles, and a cute monkey necklace. She loved it all, and she kept giving him hugs. Riley didn't really know how to react.

The next day when he had to do his weekend journal, for school, he wrote about going to say goodbye. At the end he wrote... I hugged Alaina 4 times. He he!!!


Leesa said...

So cute!! What a sweet boy you have.

Erica said...

Oh my goodness! I didn't know she was moving! So sad!! Poor cute!