Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day of Cake

Alright...this is almost 2 weeks late. We had a busy day of birthday parties a couple of Saturday's ago. Pizza and Cake! Yay!!!
JeReMy TuRnS 5!!!

An excited Reece.

Riley giving a "fake" smile.

Riley didn't have anyone his age at this party. It was a Chuck~E~Cheese, and he enjoyed the games, but as soon as he had to sit down and eat, he gave a pouty face and said, "Chuck~E~Cheese isn't really my place."

It just meant he was bored, and wished someone his age was there...

This boy and his excuses are quite annoying!

BrYnN tUrNs 5 ToO!!!!

Build a Bear Workshop

Reece is so good about raising his hand before speaking!

Everyone has picked out their animal, and they are ready to go stuff them!

When they were taking turns, they were supposed to count to 5 as loud as they could. My camera wasn't fast enough to catch Reece's expression. He took the "loud" part seriously! He was the loudest, and I'm sure the entire Oak Park Mall heard him. It was hilarious!!

Mr. Fluffy
The entire gang!

Time for cupcakes!!

Riley and Scott

Cheesin' it up!!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

Reece and Taylor are like two peas in a pod. I hope they can be great little buds when you guys move CLOSER!! yay!