Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Maroon (Bells) Lake

On Tuesday I was invited to head up to Aspen and see the Maroon Bells. It was a small trail, not hike, to the gorgeous Maroon Lake. It was amazing! Sorry about MORE scenic photos... ;)

Soccer Scenery

We have Reece signed up for soccer again. I think he will have a great season, and I think he has a great coach. Here is just a little preview of what our backdrop will look like while playing soccer here in town.
Reece will be here, eventually... he will bump up to this view when he reaches U12 teams. This is Gates soccer field.

But for now, this will have to do... He will practice and play here at the Glenwood Park soccer fields. Not too shabby...

Back to School: 3rd & 6th Edition

Where did summer go???
Well, I'm being a little dramatic... although it's been a crazy summer (selling a house, moving 600+ miles away, leaving family and friends for a new town/job/school) it has felt like an extra long summer. This move did give the boys an extra 2 weeks of summer break, but time here in Colorado seems to go very slowly... I don't think it means we aren't having fun, because we've had an amazing summer...I really think the attitude out here is so laid back that time doesn't rush. Maybe it will feel like my boys aren't growing up and the insane pace they really are.... wishful thinking.
Reece has Ms. Foster, a 2nd year teacher.
Riley is in middle school, with several teachers. He is taking computers, band, math, science, humanities and he has an advisory teacher. Haven't quite figured that one out yet, but it will act as his homeroom, maybe study hall? I will have parent/teacher conferences with the advisory teacher. 
So far boys have had a great start, here's to a great year!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Red Mountain Trail

I never imagined enjoying hiking so much, but it's amazing!! Today we hiked Red Mountain's approximately 3.5 miles up. The boys don't "LOVE" hiking... but they might get there! Hey... it's a FREE beautiful activity!!

I spy the hospital!

How perfect is this shot??? LOVE IT!

Umm... so this tree is leaning... just a bit... and NO it's not snapped in half.

Taking it all in!

Mount Sopris in the background... 

Red Mountain Trail isn't a "red" as it sounds.... here we finally got high enough to spot some red rock.

A cross at the top... if I remember the legend right: A man who searched for gold in the early 1900s lived in a cabin up at the top... after not being seen for a few days he was discovered in his cabin dead (starved). They buried him up there, under a tree that apparently was shaped similar to a cross. The weather eventually proved too much for the tree and it came down so they replaced it with this one... not the prettiest, but it lights up. I guess it only lights up during Christmas and Lent.

We came across stacked rocks several times... oh fun!

More Adventure Park

After Jill and her family left, we still got to have Jaime stay for another day. We introduced her to one of our favorites... White House Pizza. Yum!! Then we spent all of Monday at Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park... and WE GOT RILEY ON THE GIANT SWING!!!! Yay!!

The lines were so short.. we got to ride the swing over and over and over!! Once in awhile, we got to stay on without ever getting off!

Aunt Jaime got the boys a mining kit... they had fun finding gemstones.

Riley earned his very own shirt!

Riley and Reece! Riley hanging on for dear life and Reece with his hands up. By the end of our day, the swing was Riley's 2nd favorite ride... nothing beats the Alpine Coaster to him. 

Riley and Aunt Jaime! 
I found this in Reece's room later that night. DON'T TOUCH!
(His recent love for gemstones is blamed on his obsession with Mine Craft!)
Then the next morning came and Aunt Jaime had to drive home... :(