Thursday, August 15, 2013

Red Canyon Fire

We've only lived here for a little less than a month, and we've officially experienced a wild fire. (Dad, please don't panic, we are just fine.... there is a huge canyon that is separating the fire from us.) Jake was out running along the river, when he suddenly saw a huge plume of black smoke... I went outside to check it out, and just east of us, over the nearest canyon, there was a fire. Apparently, it had started several hours before and was a small 3 acre fire for most of the day, then just after 7pm on the 12th, it just exploded and went to 150 acres. We had a ton of smoke and ash falling on us, and I was a bit spooked, but it really hasn't affected us and we haven't really seen any smoke since that night. As far as I know, no structures have been damaged, it has grown to 390 acres and is 27% contained, but it is definitely NOT coming our way. We hear planes and helicopter all day long, just working hard to contain it, but other than that you'd never know a fire was happening. It's hard to believe a wild fire is 3 miles away and I'm not in panic mode. I might just be able to handle this whole Colorado thing...
I'm standing out of my front door here... that is the closest canyon to our east. By the time the sun went down we saw an orange glow at top, but before we went to bed the glow was gone.

Ash on my car. It looked like we were getting snowed on... and we all smelled of campfire.

This was on Jake's run... he actually saw flames from this neighborhood.
We can officially say we've lived through a wild fire. The good thing about this, is I've gotten our numbers and emails on the county emergency alert list. We are a little more prepared now.

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