Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back to School: 3rd & 6th Edition

Where did summer go???
Well, I'm being a little dramatic... although it's been a crazy summer (selling a house, moving 600+ miles away, leaving family and friends for a new town/job/school) it has felt like an extra long summer. This move did give the boys an extra 2 weeks of summer break, but time here in Colorado seems to go very slowly... I don't think it means we aren't having fun, because we've had an amazing summer...I really think the attitude out here is so laid back that time doesn't rush. Maybe it will feel like my boys aren't growing up and the insane pace they really are.... wishful thinking.
Reece has Ms. Foster, a 2nd year teacher.
Riley is in middle school, with several teachers. He is taking computers, band, math, science, humanities and he has an advisory teacher. Haven't quite figured that one out yet, but it will act as his homeroom, maybe study hall? I will have parent/teacher conferences with the advisory teacher. 
So far boys have had a great start, here's to a great year!

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