Saturday, August 24, 2013

More Adventure Park

After Jill and her family left, we still got to have Jaime stay for another day. We introduced her to one of our favorites... White House Pizza. Yum!! Then we spent all of Monday at Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park... and WE GOT RILEY ON THE GIANT SWING!!!! Yay!!

The lines were so short.. we got to ride the swing over and over and over!! Once in awhile, we got to stay on without ever getting off!

Aunt Jaime got the boys a mining kit... they had fun finding gemstones.

Riley earned his very own shirt!

Riley and Reece! Riley hanging on for dear life and Reece with his hands up. By the end of our day, the swing was Riley's 2nd favorite ride... nothing beats the Alpine Coaster to him. 

Riley and Aunt Jaime! 
I found this in Reece's room later that night. DON'T TOUCH!
(His recent love for gemstones is blamed on his obsession with Mine Craft!)
Then the next morning came and Aunt Jaime had to drive home... :(

1 comment:

Tommi said...

That's awesome! Way to go Riley! And nice gemstones Reece!