Thursday, August 15, 2013

Storm King Fourteen Memorial Trail

On the last full day G & G stayed with us, we did some more hiking.
This time a memorial trail that honored 14 Hot Shots in a wild fire here in Glenwood Springs in 1994.
I was amazed that there were 4 women on this Hot Shots team. The boys will learn a lot about the history of this fire, and learn that there were many mistakes (I'm not completely up to date on them, being new here) that probably has caused routine to be a bit different in today's wild fire procedures. We got started too late in the day to do the entire hike, but it will be our goal to do it all at some point. I know when Reece is in 5th grade, he will learn a lot about this particular fire and it will actually be a field trip for him. We maybe only did a third of the trail, but it was so incredibly peaceful up there.

This was the stopping point for us. After this it was down quite a ways and then up to a higher mountain. We will need to get started earlier in the day when it's cooler, to complete this trail.

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