Saturday, May 31, 2014

Final Band Concert

Riley had his final concert last night. 
(We were up high, but he is right in the middle, white shirt, looking at us.)
It's amazing the progress they have made since Christmas. I'm excited to hear them improve each year. Riley still wants to continue with the trombone, so I'm happy. Now to keep him practicing over summer...that may be the real challenge.


We had the final soccer tournament all Memorial Day weekend, so that consumed most of our time, but we made it out to Carbondale for some of the best pizza at White House Pizza. Yum! Here is Reece with his root beer loving life... Riley might not be loving having Reece hang all over him. Oh pre-teenagers.

We did get to spend all of Monday at the Adventure Park. They had a new swing ride called the Canyon Flyer. It was a great ride ... Not as thrilling as the Giant Swing, but it allows you to take in more of the Canyon while you are on it. Getting the annual pass was a great decision. Soccer and swings sums up our busy weekend. The boys are still in school until June 4th, which is so strange to me, but it's almost done. Summer will be here before we know it.


Time is suddenly slowing down.... our anticipation to finally closing on our home is getting the best of us! We've been a bit busy. I've been very busy trying to figure out colors to our house that has all WHITE walls. Here is what we got while it was on sale and it will be in all 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. I'm so excited to get a roller and brush back in my hand and bring some personality to a blank canvas again... I'll probably be singing a different tune in a few weeks when I'm beyond tired of the painting, but my adrenaline to actually being out of this condo will hopefully carry me through.

And this is just a stroll down memory lane... this is from Jake's 2008 Father's Day , after the Jayhawks won the championship. (And this is just a few of the cute pictures I got...) 

Team Picture

Spring Soccer 2014
Coach Emily Sullivan

Rifle Falls

My Mother's Day wish was to take a had been so long since the weather allowed such an activity, but the weather on my day was pretty miserable. We made up for it the following weekend. A co-worker recommended Rifle Falls and it did not disappoint. It wasn't quite a "hike" but the scenery was amazing! And there are lots of pictures of Reece because he LOVES his picture taken during hikes. ;)

Snack time in the nice cool cave.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mother's Day

Had a wonderful, relaxing Mother's Day... sorry about the selfies ahead. I don't have much of a "selfie" kind of face. So, thankfully, Jake took a picture of my boys and I. 
Jake actually listened this year and didn't get me anything...we are weeks away from a new house and with a new house comes new furniture and to me, that is an amazing "Mother's Day" gift... He did spoil me by making sure I didn't have to lift a finger and I had no cooking/baking responsibilities. Doesn't get much better than that. I'm so lucky to have 3 amazing boys take care of me.

This year Reece chose to use his own money to buy me a gift. That is a huge thing... just at Christmas time he was asking ME for $5 to buy a gift for ME. My little man is growing up! So I got this cute teddy bear and my favorite candy...Hot Tomales. Jake made a big deal after they left the store and told Reece how proud he was of him, and Reece's response was priceless... "Well, it was easy. Because I love her!" *heart melting* He is a sweetheart with a heart of gold. Funny how he was my difficult child and the way he has grown up makes me more and more happy he is mine! 

Spring Soccer

Another soccer season is wrapping up today... Reece had a good season. He really is starting to show that the basics of the sport are clicking. Proud of this kid... the team hasn't won a single game this season, but they keep playing hard. It's been a growing-pain kind of season. It felt like they were playing older teams each time...with giants as kids on the field. In the fall they had a "ringer" on their team... and it may have hurt the others because they just relied on this kid to do all the work and win all their games. So I feel even though they didn't win this season, they all are learning more. 

Reece after scoring... it was a sweet shot. The coach told him it's the best shot she's ever seen from one of her kids she's coached...Reece's head grew 5x that day. ;)

That's "Captain Reece" to you! 

Pi Rewards

Riley finished his "Pi" project!! So it was time for some French Silk Pie from Village Inn...his new favorite! He got to show us the project, but I haven't figured out how to put it on here. He did a great job, and it was very a good comical way. The humor in it was great! He got word from his math teacher, Mr. Scott, that he made sure he was placed in the advanced 7th grade math class next year to make sure he didn't get as bored as he did at times this year. I didn't even have to ask...that makes you feel good. Go, Riley!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

3rd Grade Musical

Reece is almost done with 3rd grade... "sniff, sniff."
His musical didn't have a title, but it was all about saving our earth and resources on our planet.
Before the show, Reece got to show me his drawing from himself. I was able to guess it first...mostly because he lived in a jacket just like the one he drew all winter. It was his favorite. 

Reece and Miss Foster. Just a few more weeks and Reece will be a big, bad,  4th grader!

Glenwood Canyon Trail

We got out for a nice Sunday stroll a few weeks ago... the weather was nice, but we just weren't wanting to hike just yet so we found this bike/walking trail along the Colorado River. It's strange at first, because you really are walking along I70 for a bit, then you cross a bridge over 70 and then you are in a "horseshoe" shaped trail through the canyon. The river was high and it got us very excited for it to warm up enough to float down it this summer. We even saw a few Bighorn Sheep ... but you had to have an eye for them. They blending extremely well...great for survival.

Almost right when our walk started we heard something fall behind us.  Turns out we were 10 feet ahead from this crazy rockslide (It's really about the size of my hand, but it gave us a good sarcastic laugh!)


We are under contract!! We found a town home that had a good majority of our wish list and in this market, we felt as though we needed to jump on it! Thankfully, our "jumping on it" actually gave us a few days to stir over and make sure we really liked the house. We also feel extremely lucky that we got in under asking price. So many homes here get full offers or go into bidding wars. We avoided all of that drama. We still have the last few hurdles to jump through before closing in early June, but we are packing as if we move tomorrow! We are so excited and hope all goes well the next few weeks.

Say "HI" Riley!! Haha... ;)