Saturday, May 17, 2014

Spring Soccer

Another soccer season is wrapping up today... Reece had a good season. He really is starting to show that the basics of the sport are clicking. Proud of this kid... the team hasn't won a single game this season, but they keep playing hard. It's been a growing-pain kind of season. It felt like they were playing older teams each time...with giants as kids on the field. In the fall they had a "ringer" on their team... and it may have hurt the others because they just relied on this kid to do all the work and win all their games. So I feel even though they didn't win this season, they all are learning more. 

Reece after scoring... it was a sweet shot. The coach told him it's the best shot she's ever seen from one of her kids she's coached...Reece's head grew 5x that day. ;)

That's "Captain Reece" to you! 

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