Sunday, May 4, 2014


We are under contract!! We found a town home that had a good majority of our wish list and in this market, we felt as though we needed to jump on it! Thankfully, our "jumping on it" actually gave us a few days to stir over and make sure we really liked the house. We also feel extremely lucky that we got in under asking price. So many homes here get full offers or go into bidding wars. We avoided all of that drama. We still have the last few hurdles to jump through before closing in early June, but we are packing as if we move tomorrow! We are so excited and hope all goes well the next few weeks.

Say "HI" Riley!! Haha... ;)


Erica said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting!!

Shenna said...

So exciting! I can't wait to see pictures of the rest of it!