Saturday, May 31, 2014


We had the final soccer tournament all Memorial Day weekend, so that consumed most of our time, but we made it out to Carbondale for some of the best pizza at White House Pizza. Yum! Here is Reece with his root beer loving life... Riley might not be loving having Reece hang all over him. Oh pre-teenagers.

We did get to spend all of Monday at the Adventure Park. They had a new swing ride called the Canyon Flyer. It was a great ride ... Not as thrilling as the Giant Swing, but it allows you to take in more of the Canyon while you are on it. Getting the annual pass was a great decision. Soccer and swings sums up our busy weekend. The boys are still in school until June 4th, which is so strange to me, but it's almost done. Summer will be here before we know it.

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