Sunday, May 4, 2014

Glenwood Canyon Trail

We got out for a nice Sunday stroll a few weeks ago... the weather was nice, but we just weren't wanting to hike just yet so we found this bike/walking trail along the Colorado River. It's strange at first, because you really are walking along I70 for a bit, then you cross a bridge over 70 and then you are in a "horseshoe" shaped trail through the canyon. The river was high and it got us very excited for it to warm up enough to float down it this summer. We even saw a few Bighorn Sheep ... but you had to have an eye for them. They blending extremely well...great for survival.

Almost right when our walk started we heard something fall behind us.  Turns out we were 10 feet ahead from this crazy rockslide (It's really about the size of my hand, but it gave us a good sarcastic laugh!)

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