Monday, June 22, 2009

2nd Birthday Weekend and Father's Day!

***picture overload***
This weekend was my family's 2nd quarter Birthday celebration. We took a 3 day weekend, and headed to Wichita. Friday was Riley's Birthday, so as soon as we got to town, we went straight to "Chuck E Cheese" to celebrate.
Reece likes to spend his tokens on the rides.
Riley concentrating.
Aidan came with us. Reece was his shadow.
Riley and Aidan.
Next, it was off the Dairy Queen, again for some Birthday ice cream.
Reece, looking like he's taken "ice cream cone eating lessons" from Spongebob.
Oops! Reece didn't get to eat all of his cone.
We left Dairy Queen, and got to play at Aidan and Owen's house.
I just got pics of cute Owen.
Apparently, Owen is teething.
On Saturday, it was the Cousin Birthday Bash. We had it at the Scott's farm. We were really worried the rain was going to keep us from swimming, but we lucked out and it cleared up just in time to enjoy the pool.
Here is Alex. This is his ball. Don't touch it!!
Alex playing the piano. Every time we laughed, he would pounce on it more and giggle. He is just camera shy here.
My awesome sister, Joanna, made these cupcakes for the party. Aren't they beautiful?? She is so talented.
Riley blowing out 7 candles on his cupcake.
Owen will be turning the BIG 1 in August. Mommy was nice to let him have a sneak peek, and test out his cupcake a little prematurely. He enjoyed it.
Reece likes to lick off the frosting first.
4 out of 5 of the birthday kids.
Brylee will be turning 11 in August.
Aidan will be 8 in July.
Riley got money and gift cards to help buy a Wii. Coming soon!!
Brenic will be turning 7 in July too.
Pool time. Reece getting a ride from Riley.
Reece was so excited to wear the vest, that helped him float.
Riley is diving under the water if you look closely.
Riley, Reece and Camryn.
Breanna, Brylee, Uncle Aaron and Uncle Shawn chicken fighting.
Ellyott, Reece and Riley.
On Sunday, we woke up and went to the park with some friends. Then we were off to Granite City for a Sunday Brunch. Yummy! We then hung out with the family a little longer, and home we came.
I'm terrible and didn't snap a picture of Jake and the boys, but we had a good time. We love Dad, and hope he had a wonderful day. At least it was a day off we had together.

1 comment:

Shenna said...

Wow, the next generation of Beggs - I can't believe how old some of your nieces are!