Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Reece Update

I haven't blogged much about Reece lately. He still has his tic. It comes and goes. It is really hard to notice it, when you don't know what you are looking for. Some days it is really often, and we see it in his face. Other days, Reece is bouncing off the walls, so you would never be able to notice it. If I hold his right hand, I feel it often. Lately, I've let him fall asleep in my bed, and I always notice it in his sleep. Thankfully, it still doesn't bother him.
Today, I took him back to the Neurologist, Dr. Collins, and just let him know it is still happening, but I'm not too worried about it. He decided to leave it at that. We hope he will just grow out of it, or it remains not bothersome. We will just let him know if there is any significant change in the future.
On another note, I put Reece into 5T shirts a couple months ago. 4T just wasn't quite cutting it, so I thought it was time. The other day he had on his "Thomas" shirt, which is a 5T, and it was already looking too small! I told him his he is getting too big. His response was, "I know, because I keep getting shots!" Reece thinks it's all of his shots that make him big. Or maybe it's because I tell him he can't go to school without shots.
Last night, Reece got mad at me over a silly thing. So silly, I can't even remember what is was about. Well, this caused him to repeatedly tell me, "I don't love you anymore."
Thankfully, I wasn't cranky and just responded, "Well, I still LOVE you!" This went back and forth for awhile. It amused me more than hurt me. A little while later, he came back to me and said, "If I don't love you, will you kick me out of the house?"
The bad mom that I am, quickly said, "Yes. I will kick you out of the house."
Oh, man! Here came the waterworks. "But, if you kick me out of the house, I will go to Tyler's." (A good friend of the boys that lives around the corner) All while trying not to cry, but not doing a good job of that.
I picked him up, and told him I would never kick him out, and joked with Jake, that Reece will live off us FOREVER!! Reece loved me shortly after that, and then invited me to watch a movie with him. The End!

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