Saturday, June 13, 2009

This is what it would be like... be a normal family, with parents who have normal jobs, and normal weekends off together. What a great family day we had today. It is so rare that Jake and I have a day off together, especially a Saturday off together. We got to have Riley's friend, Scott, stay the night last night. Then Jake woke up to mow the lawn. Afterwards, we all went to play tennis, by the high school. Then it was off to the pool. I asked Jake if this was what normal people did on weekends. It was nice for a change.
We finally got some use from the tennis rackets Grandma and Grandpa McMillan sent the boys. Thanks!! Nice form Riley!
Jake giving Reece a quick lesson.
Reece, skipping around, like Reece always does.
Reece getting bored of it all. Shocking!

Cold Riley! The sun hasn't come out much since school has been out, therefore, the pool is really cold!!!

I was very impressed with this picture I found on my camera. Riley took it all by himself. Check out Reece's chest! That's awesome!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Manly chest!! Love that last picture. I cant believe how old Riley looks in it. He's going to be SEVEN!!!! That blows my mind. Love the pictures, I love reading your blog, and I love that you update it all the time. (unlike myself) Miss you friend...