A week and a half ago, Riley was saying, "I'm glad I don't have school, because now I can stay with Reece FOREVER!!!" The last couple of days, Riley has been mopey, whiny, tired, lazy and bored. When Riley is like this, he is quite good at pushing my buttons, and finding Reece's buttons to push as well. Then when he gets in trouble, his big, puppy-dog eyes well up with tears. He tries so hard not to cry, so instead he hides in his room.
For some reason, the boys aren't big fans of just playing outside, unless it is the pool or park. I have to require them to go out, then that only lasts for 10 minutes. I know I've had a busier summer this year, but we have still had a lot of family time, it just seems the weather has played a big role on each of my days off.
Riley did get an opportunity to start making some allowance this summer. I made a list of 10 items for him to check off each day. For each day, Riley can earn $1.00. Riley desperately wants a Wii, so this was a good way to earn and save. The list involved making his bed, cleaning his bedroom, reading a small book to Reece, reading a chapter in his "Magic Tree House" books, making 15 baskets outside, eating dinner (which is often a fight in this house) etc... He was so excited about getting allowance...FOR 2 DAYS!!! He was bored with it after 2 1/2 days. His response was, "I only wanted $2.00." Can you believe that?? Then he had the nerve to tell me,"You are saving your money to buy me a Wii." Ha!! You have a lot to learn, Mister!!
Wish me luck, as we are only in the 2nd week of Summer.
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