Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy Teeth! (sort of...)

The boys and I had our check up at the dentist yesterday. Overall, everything went well. For me, it was the first time in a while they told me things look great, see you in 6 months. Usually, it's "let's keep an eye here," or "do a better job at this." So, I was pleased and relieved.

Riley is going back next week to get a couple teeth sealed. They are weak, and precavity. This makes me sad. I feel like I've failed him. We really take good care of his teeth. I let him brush on his own in the morning, but I always help at night to really make sure things are clean. I'm just going to have to do better. We also learned that he is missing 2 of his 6 year molars. They just aren't there. We can already see where his wisdom teeth are, but no molars. She's not super concerned yet, but it could effect the way his teeth/mouth develops later on. Too early to tell. We've already been having regular consultations with an orthodontist, so we'll keep on top of that.

Reece had a really good check up. Last time, we learned he had an extra top tooth. Weird. It's a baby tooth, so it's not a big deal. We also found 2 loose teeth! Wow! My baby is close to losing his first tooth! He's right on track with Riley. It just feels like he's earlier, because Reece is still in preschool, but their birthdays are 6 months apart on the calendar, so it's about right. I think this bothered Reece a little bit. We tried to get really excited about the tooth fairy, but I think he's a little freaked out about his teeth falling out. He's being brave though. The dentist was very pleased with his teeth spacing too. I remember with Riley they were always concerned with crowded teeth, which is why he's seeing the ortho.

There you have it. Riley's missing teeth, Reece has extra teeth. Maybe mine and Jake's genetics weren't supposed to mix....but, we made such cute kids that something must be right. =)


Leesa said...

Good job mom! You are super brave to take them both at the same time!! Although, I guess since they are older, they are probably getting more used to going to the dentist. I dread the day Taylor gets a cavity. Hopefully she won't!

Jacque said...

We take our DS's and it's a breeze. I get so many compliments on the boys. The workers forget they are both there when they aren't getting worked on.

Andrea said...

Hey Landon has an extra tooth too! His is right in front but you dont notice it unless youre paying close attention. Glad your teeth are good! Thats always good news! love you!

Shenna said...

Your kids are super cute!! I started thinking today that I need another trip to the dentist. I was drinking some diet coke this afternoon, and had quite a bit of pain in one of my back teeth...never a good sign.