Sunday, January 17, 2010

Progress Report

Reece got his 1st progress report this week. It was great! His skills are for the most part right on track. He is the oldest in his class, due to where his birthday falls, and he's doing well. He's still working on patterns, and I need to teach him our phone number and address. He missed those days in class. He knows we live on Ingrid street. He counts to 29 without skipping numbers.

What I love about this preschool, is that the teacher always writes a letter about the student. I just wanted to share parts of the letter, but I loved it so much, I have to put the entire thing here, so bare with me....or skip the following.

Reece is such a great little boy. I am enjoying him in out class this year. He is so conscientious. Sometimes he seems so serious and then he will break into a grin.

Reece is so sharp. He recognized all of his alphabet and the letter sounds! He is quick thinking with his numbers and very precise. He has great recall. He is an independent worker and does a good job of completing tasks.

As our semester has unfolded, Reece has deemed himself the rule keeper. If there is any infraction by anyone he reports it to me and usually tells the person what they need to do to make things right. (insert smiley face) I am glad he is working to keep things right and safe. I don't want him to get so caught up in that role that he can't just enjoy himself and fully engage in whatever he is doing. I am trying to encourage him to take care of himself and not to report on other's behavior quite so much.

Reece is a good friend to everyone. He has good reasoning and insight when we have group discussions. He expresses himself very well. He definitely knows right from wrong and is a good role model.

I hope he is having as much fun at preschool as I am having him in our class!

Ha Ha!! I love it! I don't love that I have the tattle tale, but that is totally Reece!! Hey people: Don't break the rules! I'm so glad he loves school, and his teacher enjoys him. Reece is already sad to go to Kindergarten, because he loves his preschool that much. He just has no idea, that it only gets better (at least for a while.)

1 comment:

Leesa said...

I totally missed this post last night. It's Jason's fault. I got in trouble for being on blogger when I was supposed to be coming downstairs so we could watch 24. Busted!
It sounds like Reece is doing great! I think it's cute that he wants to be the rule enforcer. :) That is so nice that the teacher sends home a note. I wish Taylor's teacher would do that.