Saturday, January 2, 2010

It WAS a Task...

But, I did it!!! I've turned my blog into a book! Yay! I was having doubts. For 2 days I was trying to make 1 book, and it kept timing out. I tried making 2 books, and I got the same. I was beginning to believe this was a joke, and not even possible. Finally, I tried just doing 2008, which was 4 months total, and it immediately made my book. So, I did 2009 in thirds. After that, it took no time to order my books. On January 22nd, I will have by blog in my hands. Can't wait!! I'm just going to try to order every 4 months. And to make things shipping!! Just the cherry on top!

New Year's Day found us taking Christmas decorations down. It was a great team effort. Afterwards, I asked the boys if they liked our house when "Christmas was put away?" I got a mixed response. Riley enjoys how much space is in our house without the tree, but Reece said our house is boring without Christmas. Just can't win around here!


Leesa said...

Ooo I'm excited to see what you think of your book when you get it! I'm guessing I'll have to do what you did and make one in thirds.
Oh the joys of having opposite children! Maybe you could get a miniature tree for Reece and keep it up all year in his room. I've heard of people who do that. I'd probably be all "Christmased out" after staring at it all year, though.

Erica said...

Way to go! I would love to see it sometime, you should bring it up to Madison one day after school:)