Sunday, January 17, 2010

I Got My Books!!

They came in the mail this week. It was a week and a half early! I love them!! The best way to describe them is.... have you ever gone to a big event, and gotten a nice program? Like a musical or sporting event. They are put together like that. They randomly choose pictures to put on the front and back. If you want, you can choose specific pictures. There is a table of contents. Shows the name of each post, and which page the post is on. Each post starts with the name, then all the pictures, followed by everything you wrote. So, if you wrote after each picture on your blog, it's combined at the end. It's not hard to figure out which pictures you were writing about. What makes it the best, is that the comments are last! I love being able to keep these, and I'm so happy I chose to make a hard copy of my blog.
On a different note...I lost my job on Friday. It was hard, but I was in a verbally abusive situation, and I know this is for the best. It is just hard to see it this way, at this time. Not sure what's going to come about, but until then I hope I can sell some jewelry in the mean time. Jake has some changes coming along at work...nothing final, but maybe a fresh start is around the corner. Let's pray so!


Leesa said...

Oh no! I'm sorry about your job. I've always felt that one of the scariest things in life is the uncertain future.
I'll keep you in my prayers. Something will come along. Is Wichita an option? I don't know if Jake could transfer stores with his job...
Your books are awesome! You'll have to tell me how you ordered them.

Shenna said...

Yay for the blog books, yuck for the job loss. Hopefully something good comes out of it for you guys!!!

Andrea said...

The books ARE awesome! You must tell me where they came from and what the cost was. I want some!
Im positive that you losing your job was a blessing in disguise..that guy was a complete jerk! Nobody deserves to be treated that way, and Im proud of you for calling him out on his crap!
Im always thinking of you. Love you!