Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Worries of a Child...

Today at preschool, Reece learned about the earthquake in Haiti. When I picked him up, the first thing he told me was about at "town" that had 2 earthquakes, but they were far away. He asked me where the earthquake came from. The ground, was my answer. He asked how the ground does this. I told him I would go home and draw him a picture. From the minute I picked him up, I felt he was very worried. I told him we won't have an earthquake here at home. Then he asked why it would happen in that "town" and not here. All I could say was he was very blessed to not live where an earthquake would take place. It's scares me how worried Reece always seems to become when sad things happen. A 5 year old shouldn't have to worry about this part of life. But then that makes me think how awful it is that there are so many 5 year olds in Haiti that have no choice.
Reece's preschool class is doing a walkathon on Friday. He is trying to collect donations and his class will walk in a circle for about 10 minutes. It's so cute! The money is going to a Christian fund that uses 97% of profits to help with the aid. Reece is so excited. His class is learning that Jesus will be happy about them helping, and giving to those in need.

Riley cracked me up today after school. He came in and opened the pantry for a snack. "I can't STAND this!" I paused in shock... I thought he was upset about something. "I like these wheat crackers so much! They are so good!!" Ha! Ha! He's learning new expressions all the time, and rarely uses them in the right context. He's so funny!


Leesa said...

Reece is such a sweet, concerned little guy! He's very wise beyond his years.

Shenna said...

You wouldn't think that stuff like that would affect someone so young so much! What a sweet little boy!